The word upsell evokes what images in your mind?
In many of us's minds, it brings to mind sleazy salespeople selling us unnecessary stuff just so
can line their pockets.
There are times when that happens, as any dealership buyer can tell you (one dealer once tried to
me an $85 car wash on a brand new car, which I wish I was joking.)
You can strengthen your relationship with your customers through upselling when it's used properly,
which can result in more revenue, better retention, and lower churn.
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Often, people refer to "upselling" as "cross-selling" when actually they mean "upselling". There are some key differences between the two...
An upsell is when a salesperson offers the customer a more expensive version of a product they
own or are purchasing.
For example, if I'm buying a 27" TV, and I'm offered a 32" TV or an extended warranty, that's an
As an example, if I am buying a TV and the salesperson offers me a Roku or Playstation, that is
cross-selling, which is selling products that are different from the one
I already own or am planning to buy.
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There are some similarities between both methods, and both are useful:
To make this post meaningful, I will use the terms loyalty and revenue interchangeably to describe
to increase customer value and loyalty.
In this article, I'll discuss the three biggest advantages of upselling and cross-selling.
The following steps will help you grow your business strategically:
In order to understand how to upsell, let's first look at why you need one at all - especially if
a small retailer.
A lot of upsells occur towards the end of the customer journey, when customers are either ready to
something or have already bought something,
as opposed to other sales strategies that take place early in the customer journey — like running
Facebook ads to get people to your website.
As customers go to the checkout page, they are comfortable with you and your products and are
willing to
indulge in some impulse purchases.
As a result, some sellers see a 10% increase in conversion rates when they wait until the end to
For retailers that provide upsells, they account for 70-95% of sales and renewals and are 68% less
expensive than onboarding new customers.
Upsells are an easy win for you because simply asking customers to upgrade their cart value
your sales and saves you money that would otherwise go towards customer acquisition tactics.
It's important to be aware that upselling is actually a term used to describe four different ways to
increase sales.
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Offering the same product at a higher price with more features would be a great way to get customers to buy your product. Tell your customers, for instance, that they can also purchase fitness trackers with pedometers and calorie counters instead of only heart rate monitors.
Customers who buy dash cams for their cars, for example, can also purchase mounting kits for their dash cams on Amazon. Amazon does this well because it suggests products customers can purchase in addition to their original purchase.
When you offer this option, you provide customers with an additional product that is even more valuable. For example, you can offer warranties to the customer as an add-on to their electronic purchase.
When multiple products are bundled together, they produce a new product. For example, ten essential
may be sold in bundles rather than individually by a wellness brand.
In the following paragraph, we'll examine examples of each of these factors.
The pain points and preferences of your customers are slightly different than those of your
— so what works for one retailer
won't necessarily work for you. Try out each of these approaches until your sales increase
depending on the kinds of products you sell.
In addition to being 100% customizable, upsells can also be used to address customer needs.
Let's look at some examples of how you can upsell customers in your sales strategy now that we
understand why upsells are such a powerful sales tool.
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Showing your customers cool new products on your site is one thing, but it's another to get them to
actually buy something from you.
They have already chosen which products they want to purchase, so an incentive may be needed to
them to make an impulse purchase.
The checkout screen is the perfect time to share a special offer with your customers that will
them to spend more.
If you share your offer on the checkout screen, customers are already in the buying mindset, so they
ready to make a purchase.
A special offer, coupled with products your customers are already familiar with, increases your
of boosting sales by combining what customers want and what they recognize.
Customers may be more willing to spend a little more on a larger product if they have a choice to
10% by upgrading their cart value to $50.
A few examples:
This approach works because the customer still pays more than they would have if they didn't have
option to buy a bigger bag of cat food for the same price.
The item in the cart is $16.75, but the customer has the option to buy a larger bag for 30% less.
A discount of almost $15 helps the customer make a quick decision and purchase the larger bag,
their expenses by almost $15 but making you an additional $18 in sales.
The discount encourages the customer to purchase the larger bag quickly.
Your customers are browsing your product pages for information About features, prices, and
To simplify this process, show them more than one product at a time on your product pages.
On pricing pages for software-as-a-service (SaaS) products, you often see this approach where
versions of the service are compared.
However, this approach is also useful for upselling. Having multiple product options on one page
eliminates the need to click between pages or tabs to make a decision.
You should use comparisons based on the product types you sell.
Customers will benefit from comparisons if your products differ in the features they use to decide
products to buy.
By letting customers compare the three blades by factors such as handle type, number of blades, and
usage, Dollar Shave Club, for instance, offers customers a variety of choices:
It is possible to buy exactly what customers are looking for by comparing features at Dollar Shave
even if it costs more.
A call-to-action (CTA) on Dollar Shave Club's Razors product page tells customers how much a monthly
subscription costs, and includes a link to buy after comparing:
In order to offer upsell products that match your customers' interests, you need to get to know your
customers better — you figure out what they search for and what they buy.
Use cross-sells or add-ons to introduce customers to additional products relevant to their search
purchase patterns if a large segment of your customers
routinely search through your home furnishings product pages.
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Here are some examples:
As a cross-sell, display artwork to go with the furniture your client is purchasing.
If the customer is updating a room, this cross-sell allows them to meet all their furnishing needs
one place.
Providing customers with different cleaning kits will be an added benefit.
Bundles are also a great way to showcase products according to customer preferences.
By showing users a variety of items to choose from, it's more likely they'll be confused over which
to choose.
Bundles of products that are more expensive but give customers everything they want are a good
By purchasing an entire set, customers are not limited to just one product.
In recent years, more e-commerce sites are showing customers similar products based on what they
This layout also shows the inventory status in red, which is great because the products aren't just
expensive but also come with more features and accessories.
Providing a sense of urgency to your customers can also help you turn them into quick customers. If
do this, they'll be more likely to make a quick purchase rather than wait and return.
The National Retail Federation (NRF) recently showed that 75% of customers in the U.S.
expect free shipping when they shop. Free shipping is the most popular of all the perks customers
A minimum purchase amount can meet customers halfway if you're a small seller. Free shipping might
difficult for smaller sellers, but you can set a minimum for shipping.
The majority of upsells occur at this point, so giving customers free shipping here increases the
likelihood that they will buy something more to receive this benefit.
Show customers how much more they need to add to their cart in order to qualify for free shipping
the checkout screen since they are ready to purchase
when they get to the checkout screen. They might even buy products they wouldn't have otherwise
purchased to meet the minimum.
This encourages them to look for products at specific price points to meet the minimum.
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